Friday, July 3, 2009

What a Great Town!

Nashville~what a great town! I met one of my roommates from college there with some of her fellow doctors for an optemetric conference. They flew in a couple days early to hang out and see the city. I drove (5 1/2 hours) to meet them. We had a blast and saw a couple of hopeful up and coming bands.

Here is my past roomie: Dr. Kari and me

The whole group of us on our first stop of the night.
The Stage, Nashville TN.

One of the up and coming bands.

One of the hopefuls - Cop.elan.d and me at The Stage. Check out his band, he has a single out and an album in August.

Last, but not least my new boots!!! I love them. They are Luchesse Anteater boots. I have only gotten the chance to wear them around the house, but I am very excited about them.

Unfortunately, I dont have the pictures on my camera but the other up and coming band/artist is Jason Jones. He just signed a big contract. I will get to say I saw him when.

If you want a great weekend with a lot of live music visit Nashville. It was great.

Nashville~what an amazing town!

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