Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's been soup weather

One thing I have never really talked about here is how much I love to cook. We remodeled our kitchen with our focus being around my new stove. This weather has had me using it alot, making soups and lots of comfort food. The one thing I have noticed is that the stove seems to be a little off on the temperature. So I invested in a cool new gadget to keep track. I am also going to be giving something away that could help you. The other thing about good cooking is great cookware, you need to check out Rachel Ray's cookware here.

Being from the North this cold weather should not bother me. BUT I don't live there anymore, I live in the South. It is not supposed to be this cold, hopefully it is breaking. My parents have been here since the week before Christmas they are leaving on Friday. It is supposed to be 58 degrees here and they are leaving to go back to the REAL cold.

I will be back soon and more often in 2010 ( I hope). Come back to check out the giveaway that we will be having soon!!


Unknown said...

What I wouldn't do for 58 degrees right now...considering it is a balmy 19 here in NY! I love your blog...I wish you tons of happiness in 2010!

Lee-Ellen said...

i'd love to have some of your recipes too! always looking for something new and yummy to fix!